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All you need, in one meeting management platform

Streamline your team's meeting management and action tracking with our digital platform. Get intelligent suggestions for meeting agendas , team sourcing for materials, and easy co-editing of notes. Track assigned follow-up actions with history logs, and gain invaluable insights. ensures everyone stays on track and accountable. Experience a new level of efficiency and collaboration in your meetings today!

Everything for Efficiency & Productivity

Meeting Management Tool

Streamline meeting process. Say goodbye to wasted time!

Never lose track of
follow-up actions again.

Action Management Tool

More functions.
More powerful.
More effective.
More productive.

New Features

Frequenctly Asked Questions

How can this tool save me time and money on meetings?

Our intelligent agenda suggestions and meeting material sourcing features ensure meetings are efficient and productive, while our tracking and dashboard features give managers insights into productivity and time spent.

How can simplify meeting preparation?

Our meeting management software suggests meeting topics and durations, sources meeting materials, and co-edits meeting notes, saving time and improving efficiency.

How can this tool help me manage multiple meetings and teams?

We provides a central platform for meeting management and progress tracking, keeping everyone on the same page. Relevant notes and materials from past meetings are linked up in our platform, making it easy to reference previous discussions and decisions.

How can this software improve team collaboration and communication?

Our co-editing meeting notes and team-sourcing meeting materials features encourage collaboration. With the ability to update the status of tasks and send reminders via WhatsApp or email, communication become even more efficient.

Can I try before committing?

Yes, we are offering a free trial period so you can test out the product before making a commitment. You may contact us for a demo or sign up to try it out right away!

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